Browse our policies and find information regarding former student records and how to access them.
A-Z Policies
Absence For Religious Observance Protocol
Academic and Pastoral Support Policy (Q4.26)
Academic Appeals and Review Policy (Q9.1)
Academic Reviews and Appeals Process Chart (Q9.1.5)
Access and Participation Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28
Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 to 2024-25
Access and Participation Statement 2018-19
Access and Participation Plan 2019-20
Accessibility Statement
AI in Higher Education Policy (Q3.14)
Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy (B4.19)
Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Appeals and Complaints – Overarching Policy (Q9)
Appeals Roles Checklist
Apprenticeships Quality Policy
Assessment Policy (Q6)
Assistance Dog Policy (Q4.2.2)
Awards Framework (S2)
Breach Reporting Policy
Business Case Template: Academic Partnerships (Q10.1.3)
Canadian Higher Education Equivalency Statement - LLB Programmes (Q6.9)
Charitable Donations Policy (Q4.8.5)
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
Complaints Appeal Form (Q9.2.2)
Complaints Process Chart (Q9.2.5)
Complaints Roles Checklist (Q9.2.6)
Complaints - Staff Guidance (Q9.2.4)
Complaints - Student Guide (Q9.2.3)
Cookies and Privacy Policy
Corporate Social Responsibility Statement (G2)
Course Cancellation Policy (Q8.2)
Course Cancellation Protocols (Q8.2.2)
Data Protection Individual Rights Policy
Data Protection Policy
Data Retention Policy (Q4.12)
Data Retention Procedures (B4.12.1)
Data Subject Access Request
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Formal Procedure for Students
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Informal Procedure for Staff and Students
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Policy (Q4.14)
Disability Support and Inclucion Policy (Q4.2)
Disability and Inclusion Procedures
Disciplinary Appeal Form (Q9.3.1)
Disciplinary Roles Checklists (Q9.3.6)
Distribution Protocol for External Examiner Reports (Q7.1.1)
Employability Service Policy (Q4.6)
Employability Service: Confidentiality Protocol (Q4.6.4)
Employability Service: Equal Opportunities Protocol (Q4.6.3)
Employability Service: External Opportunities (Placements) Protocol (Q4.6.5)
Employability Service: Statement of Service (Recruiters) Protocol (Q4.6.2)
Employability Service: Statement of Service (Students) Protocol (Q4.6.1)
Enabling Student Development & Achievement Policy (Q4)
English Language Policy (Q2.4)
Environmental Policy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Q4.3)
Exemption Application Protocol (Q6.1.4 b)
Exemption Policy (Q6.1.4)
Exemptions - GDL Application Form Q6.1.4(a)
Extensions, Deferrals and Mitigating Circumstances Policy (Q9.8)
External Examiners Policy (Q7)
External Persons Appeal Form (Q9.2.8)
External Persons Complaints Form (Q9.2.7)
External Persons Complaints Policy (Q9.4)
Face Coverings Policy
Fee Appeals and Review Policy
Feedback and Feedforward Policy (Q6.5)
Formal Complaint Form
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019
Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
Guidance for External Examiners (Q7.1.2)
Intermission Policy (Q4.1.1)
IT Acceptable Use Policy - Students
Late Starters Protocol (Q2.1.1)
Learning and Teaching Policy (Q3)
Library Code of Conduct (Q4.5.2)
Library Collection Development Policy
Marking and Moderation Policy (Q6.2)
Marking and Moderation Protocol for Online Assessment (Q6.2.1)
Minor Modifications Protocol (Q1.2)
Missing Students Policy (Q4.20)
Missing Students Procedures (Q4.20.1)
Modern Slavery Statement
No Detriment Policy - Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Nolan Principles of Public Life applied to Ulaw (G1)
Observation of Teaching Policy (Q3.6)
Obtaining Medical Evidence (Q4.1.10)
Online Etiquette
Operational Framework for Collaboration with Partner (Q10.1.11)
Operational Framework for Collaboration with Partner – Apprenticeships (Q10.1.11a)
Overarching Quality Standards Code (G5)
Ownership Status Governance QA Monitoring (G6)
Partner Resources Document (Q10.1.6)
Partnership Protocols (Q10.1)
Partnerships Policy (Q10)
Personal Safety Guidelines for Students (Q4.1.3)
Policy Management Protocol (G7)
Poster and Leaflet Protocol
Prevent Duty Policy (Q4.8.3)
Professoriate Policy (Q3.4)
Programme Approval Protocols and Major Modification of Existing Programmes (Q1.1)
Programme Closure Policy (Q8.3)
Programme and Campus Design, Development and Approval Policy (Q1)
Programme Monitoring and Review Policy (Q8)
Programme Monitoring and Review Procedures (Q8.1)
Programme Monitoring and Review Protocols (Q8.1.1)
Protocol for Awarding Posthumous Qualifications
Privacy Policy (B4.9)
Public Information Policy (G3)
Recognition of External Assessment Policy (Q6.10)
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (Q6.1)
Recognition of Prior Learning Protocol (Q6.1.3 b)
Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form (Q6 1.3a)
Recruitment, Selection & Admissions Policy (Q2)
Refund and Compensation Policy
Registration and Induction Protocol (Q2.1)
Request for a Review of an Intermission Decision (Q4.1.8)
Request for Research Support
Research - ER1 Checklist
Research - ER2 Ethics Application
Research - ER3 Information Sheet
Research - ER4 Consent Form
Research - ER5 Debrief Form
Research - ER6 Ethics Review
Research - ER7 Completion of Research Form
Research Ethics Amendment Form
Research - FOI Template
Research - Permissions Letter
Research Regulations
Research Repository Policy
Review of Complaint Form (B9.2.2)
Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy (Q4.8.1)
Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Procedures (Q4.8.2)
Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Policy
Scholarship Bursaries Policy (Q2.2)
Scholarship Development Policy (Q3.1)
Setting and Maintaining Academic Standards Policy (A1)
Site Visit Report (Q10.1.7)
Staff Guidance Intermission (Q4.1.6)
Stage Two Review Form (Q9.1.2)
Student Charter
Student Code of Behaviour
Student Complaints Policy (Q9.2)
Student Discipline Policy (Q9.3)
Student Discipline Regulations
Student Engagement and Attendance Policy (Q4.11)
Student Engagement and Attendance Procedures (Q4.11.1)
Student Experience Strategy (Q4.13)
Student Guidance Notes Intermission (Q4.1.7)
Student Intellectual Property Policy (Q3.11)
Student Learning Skills Support Policy (Q4.1)
Student Pregnancy and Maternity Policy (Q4.23)
Student Pronouns Policy (Q4.24)
Student Protection Plan
Student Representation and Advocacy (Q5)
Student Social Media Policy (Q4.25)
Student Transfer Policy (Q2.3)
Student Visa Policy
Student Voicing Concerns Policy (Q4.15)
Students of Concern Policy (Q4.8.6)
Students under 18 years of age Policy (Q4.8)
Support to 果冻传媒视频直播 Policy (Q4.10)
Support to 果冻传媒视频直播 Procedures (Q4.10.1)
Sustainability Charter
Teaching Observation Protocol (Q3.6.1)
Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Policy (Q3.7)
Terms and conditions of website use and Privacy Policy
Timetabling Policy
Trans Student Policy (Q4.22)
Website Disclaimer
Widening Participation and Diversity Strategy (Q4.18)
Work-Based Learning Policy (Q10.2)
Admissions and Recruitment
Course Cancellation Policy (Q8.2)
English Language Policy (Q2.4)
Exemption Policy (Q6.1.4)
Programme Closure Policy (Q8.3)
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy (Q6.1)
Recruitment, Selection & Admissions Policy (Q2)
Refund and Compensation Policy
Scholarship Bursaries Policy (Q2.2)
Scholarship Development Policy (Q3.1)
Student Visa Policy
Supporting Documents
Course Cancellation Protocols (Q8.2.2)
Exemption Application Protocol (Q6.1.4 b)
Late Starters Protocol (Q2.1.1)
Recognition of Prior Learning Protocol (Q6.1.3 b)
Registration and Induction Protocol (Q2.1)
Exemptions - GDL Application Form Q6.1.4(a)
Recognition of Prior Learning Application Form (Q6 1.3a)
Appeals and Complaints
Academic Appeals and Review Policy (Q9.1)
Appeals and Complaints – Overarching Policy (Q9)
External Persons Complaints Policy (Q9.4)
Student Complaints Policy (Q9.2)
Supporting Documents
Academic Appeals and Review Process Chart (Q9.1.5)
Appeals Roles Checklist
Complaints - Staff Guidance (Q9.2.4)
Complaints - Student Guide (Q9.2.3)
Complaints Process Chart (Q9.2.5)
Complaints Roles Checklist (Q9.2.6)
Complaints Appeal Form (Q9.2.2)
External Persons Appeal Form (Q9.2.8)
External Persons Complaints Form (Q9.2.7)
Formal Complaint Form
Review of Complaint Form (B9.2.2)
Stage Two Review Form (Q9.1.2)
Assessment and Awards
Assessment Policy (Q6)
Awards Framework (S2)
Extensions, Deferrals and Mitigating Circumstances Policy (Q9.8)
External Examiners Policy (Q7)
Feedback and Feedforward Policy (Q6.5)
Marking and Moderation Policy (Q6.2)
Marking and Moderation Protocol for Online Assessment (Q6.2.1)
No Detriment Policy - Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Recognition of External Assessment Policy (Q6.10)
Setting and Maintaining Academic Standards Policy (A1)
Supporting Documents
Canadian Higher Education Equivalency Statement - LLB Programmes (Q6.9)
Distribution Protocol for External Examiner Reports (Q7.1.1)
Guidance for External Examiners (Q7.1.2)
Protocol for Awarding Posthumous Qualifications
Corporate Responsibility and Public Interest
Access and Participation Statement 2018-19
Accessibility Statement
Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy (B4.19)
Anti-Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Charitable Donations Policy (Q4.8.5)
Corporate Social Responsibility Statement (G2)
Environmental Policy
Face Coverings Policy
Fee Appeals and Review Policy
Modern Slavery Statement
Nolan Principles of Public Life applied to Ulaw (G1)
Overarching Quality Standards Code (G5)
Public Information Policy (G3)
Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Policy
Supporting Documents
Access and Participation Plan 2019-20
Access and Participation Plan 2020-21 to 2024-25
Access and Participation Plan 2024-25 to 2027-28
Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech
Gender Pay Gap Report 2018
Gender Pay Gap Report 2019
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Gender Pay Gap Report 2022
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Ownership Status Governance QA Monitoring (G6)
Policy Management Protocol (G7)
Poster and Leaflet Protocol
Sustainability Charter
Data Protection and Privacy
Breach Reporting Policy
Cookies and Privacy Policy
Data Protection Individual Rights Policy
Data Protection Policy
Data Retention Policy (Q4.12)
Privacy Policy (B4.9)
Terms and conditions of website use and Privacy Policy
Website Disclaimer
Supporting Document
Data Retention Procedures (B4.12.1)
Learning and Teaching
AI in Higher Education Policy (Q3.14)
Learning and Teaching Policy (Q3)
Observation of Teaching Policy (Q3.6)
Professoriate Policy (Q3.4)
Student Experience Strategy (Q4.13)
Technology Enhanced Learning and Teaching Policy (Q3.7)
Timetabling Policy
Work-Based Learning Policy (Q10.2)
Supporting Documents
Apprenticeships Quality Policy
Partnerships Policy (Q10)
Supporting Documents
Operational Framework for Collaboration with Partner (Q10.1.11)
Operational Framework for Collaboration with Partner – Apprenticeships (Q10.1.11a)
Partner Resources Document (Q10.1.6)
Partnership Protocols (Q10.1)
Site Visit Report (Q10.1.7)
Programme Design and Approval
Supporting Documents
Minor Modifications Protocol (Q1.2)
Programme Approval Protocols and Major Modification of Existing Programmes (Q1.1)
Programme and Campus Design, Development and Approval Policy (Q1)
Programme Monitoring and Review Policy (Q8)
Supporting Documents
Programme Monitoring and Review Procedures (Q8.1)
Programme Monitoring and Review Protocols (Q8.1.1)
Research Regulations
Research Repository Policy
Supporting Documents
Research - FOI Template
Research - Permissions Letter
Request for Research Support
Research Ethics Amendment Form
Research - ER1 Checklist
Research - ER2 Ethics Application
Research - ER3 Information Sheet
Research - ER4 Consent Form
Research - ER5 Debrief Form
Research - ER6 Ethics Review
Research - ER7 Completion of Research Form
Student Conduct and Discipline
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Policy (Q4.14)
IT Acceptable Use Policy - Students
Student Discipline Policy (Q9.3)
Student Discipline Regulations
Student Social Media Policy (Q4.25)
Student Voicing Concerns Policy (Q4.15)
Supporting Documents
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Formal Procedure for Students
Dignity at Work and 果冻传媒视频直播 Informal Procedure for Staff and Students
Disciplinary Roles Checklists (Q9.3.6)
Library Code of Conduct (Q4.5.2)
Online Etiquette
Student Charter
Student Code of Behaviour
Student Support
Library Collection Development Policy
Student Intellectual Property Policy (Q3.11)
Student Pregnancy and Maternity Policy (Q4.23)
Student Pronouns Policy (Q4.24)
Supporting Documents
Attendance and Engagement
Student Representation and Advocacy (Q5)
Student Engagement and Attendance Policy (Q4.11)
Supporting Documents
Student Engagement and Attendance Procedures (Q4.11.1)
Disability Support and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
Assistance Dog Policy (Q4.2.2)
Disability Support and Inclucion Policy (Q4.2)
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy (Q4.3)
Trans Student Policy (Q4.22)
Supporting Document
Disability and Inclusion Procedures
Widening Participation and Diversity Strategy (Q4.18)
Employability Service Policy (Q4.6)
Employability Service: Confidentiality Protocol (Q4.6.4)
Supporting Documents
Employability Service: Equal Opportunities Protocol (Q4.6.3)
Employability Service: External Opportunities (Placements) Protocol (Q4.6.5)
Employability Service: Statement of Service (Recruiters) Protocol (Q4.6.2)
Employability Service: Statement of Service (Students) Protocol (Q4.6.1)
Intermission and Transfer
Intermission Policy (Q4.1.1)
Student Transfer Policy (Q2.3)
Supporting Documents
Obtaining Medical Evidence (Q4.1.10)
Student Guidance Notes Intermission (Q4.1.7)
Request for a Review of an Intermission Decision (Q4.1.8)
Student Wellbeing and Safety
Missing Students Policy (Q4.20)
Prevent Duty Policy (Q4.8.3)
Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy (Q4.8.1)
Students of Concern Policy (Q4.8.6)
Students under 18 years of age Policy (Q4.8)
Supporting Documents
Missing Students Procedures (Q4.20.1)
Personal Safety Guidelines for Students (Q4.1.3)
Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Procedures (Q4.8.2)
果冻传媒视频直播 Support
Academic and Pastoral Support Policy (Q4.26)
Enabling Student Development & Achievement Policy (Q4)
Student Learning Skills Support Policy (Q4.1)
Support to 果冻传媒视频直播 Policy (Q4.10)
Supporting Document
Keeping in Touch Protocol
Support to 果冻传媒视频直播 Procedures (Q4.10.1)
The above policies apply to The University of Law and its subsidiaries.
To find out more information about the following, click the link below.
Website terms and conditions, cookies and privacy policy, gender pay gap reports, modern slavery statement, student Protection Plan, supplier code of conduct.
What records can I obtain?
Former Records Department
The University of Law
2 Bunhill Row
Fax: +44 (0)207 637 0264 (marked Academic Registry)
E-mail: [email protected]
Information for former students
The Registry will, where possible, provide the following documents, for a fee for a range of courses:
- Confirmation of Attendance
- Official Confirmation of Results
- Transcripts of results (for courses commencing after 2002)
- Syllabus information
- Certificates (for courses commencing after 2007)
For further details on these documents and how to obtain them, please see the related information below.
Many documents can be provided in hard-copy or electronically by e-mail. Please provide details on the order form(s) under "Address to which the document should be sent".
All of the application forms to request the relevant documents can be completed electronically and e-mailed to us using the address above, or can be printed off, completed manually and submitted by post.
The majority of requests for academic references are dealt with by Student Services in the Centre of study, although some may be referred to the Registry for action. Please see the details under related links below.
Please be aware that all orders for documentation are processed in the order in which they are received. We currently work a two-week turn around period, which commences from receipt of a completed form.
Confirmation of Attendance
Can I get confirmation of attendance on the course I studied?
The Registry can provide individual letters confirming attendance on a course for the following courses:
- Bar Professional Training Course (this includes Bar Vocational Course)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Common Professional Examination)
- Legal Practice Course (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice and Law Society Finals)
- Master of Laws
- Undergraduate or Postgraduate Bachelor of Laws
- Professional Development Courses (where the information is held).
These letters will confirm the course and centre the student attended together with the mode of study. They will also contain the dates for that course. These letters will not contain the overall result awarded.
The fee for a Confirmation of Attendance Letter is £15 (for each course)
To request confirmation of your attendance, please use the Confirmation of Attendance order form and return it to us via the contact details set out on the form.
Please be aware that all orders for documentation are processed in the order in which they are received. We currently work a two-week turn around period, which commences from receipt of a completed form.
Transcripts/Official Confirmation of Results
Can Registry provide me with a full transcript of a past result?
Please be aware that all orders for documentation are processed in the order in which they are received. We currently work a two-week turn around period, which commences from receipt of a completed order form.
Official Confirmation of Results
The Registry can provide official Confirmation of Results for the following courses:
- Bar Professional Training Course (this includes Bar Vocational Course
- Graduate Diploma in Law (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Common Professional Examination)
- Legal Practice Course (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Laws and Common Professional Examination)
- Master of Laws
- Undergraduate or Postgraduate Bachelor of Laws
- Professional Development Courses (where the information is held).
These documents confirm the course, campus, mode of study and the academic year that the student studied. They also provide the date of the final award on the course and the award achieved. A list of subjects examined on that course is also included in the document.
The fee for official Confirmation of Results is £25 (for each course)
To request your official confirmation of results, please use the Confirmation of Results order form and return it to us via the contact details set out on the form.
Transcripts of Results
Due to changes to courses and recording systems and software, The University can only undertake to produce a copy of your transcript if you studied on one of the following courses commencing in 2002 or later. Students who studied prior to that time can be provided with an official Confirmation of Result but The University may not be able to provide individual module results.
- Bar Professional Training Course (this includes Bar Vocational Course)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Law)
- Legal Practice Course (this includes Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice)
- Undergraduate Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Laws
These transcripts give details of the marks awarded for each subject and each attempt at that subject, concession information and the overall result.
The fee for a Transcript is £35 (for each course). This will provide a printed or scanned copy of the transcript students can download from Elite for free, but with an official University stamp and signature, and a covering letter explaining the nature of the course and the grade boundaries.
To request a Transcript of Results, please use the Transcript order form and return it to us via the contact details set out on the form.
Please note that if you request a Transcript of Results and you studied on a course earlier than 2002, it will only be possible to provide you with the Official Confirmation of Results.
Syllabus information
Can Registry provide syllabus information in respect of a past course?
The Registry can only provide full Syllabus information for courses for recent years. However, much of this information remains relevant to the courses provided in previous years and some specific information is available for order courses.
The Syllabus information can be provided for the following courses and this provides an outline of the subjects covered on the course:
- Bar Professional Training Course (starting in 2010 or later)
- Graduate Diploma in Law (starting in 2002 or later)
- Common Professional Examination (starting in 1997 or later)
- Legal Practice Course (starting in 1993 or later)
- Master of Laws
The fee for Syllabus information is £25 (for each course)
To request syllabus information, please use the Syllabus Information order form and return it to us via the contact details set out on the form.
Please be aware that all orders for documentation are processed in the order in which they are received. We currently work a two-week turn around period, which commences from receipt of a completed order form.
When will I receive my certificate?
For recent completers, the certificate process for an original certificate takes up to 16 weeks from the final result publication date. Please consult your course explanatory notes within your Elite account for further details.
For students who completed courses one year ago or more, the current processing time for re-issue certificates is up to 8 weeks from receipt of a completed form within the department inbox. The Certification department processes re-issue requests in the order it receives them. The processing times may vary throughout the year, so please consult with the team with any queries at [email protected]
I never received my original certificate - how can I get another one?
The University provides all students with their qualification certificates following the successful completion of their courses. The University only provides one original certificate per student per course they complete. We cannot issue certified copies of certificates or issue multiple copies of the same qualification certificate.
The University can replace students’ certificates in certain circumstances and only for courses completed in 2007 or later. Please see below for more details on the services the Certification department can provide.
Unclaimed Certificates
If for any reason a certificate returns to campus the University will keep it on file. If you did not receive your certificate and believe it was returned to us, please contact the department. If a certificate returns to campus we can forward it to an alternate address.
Error on a certificate
If The University issues your original certificate with inaccurate content (e.g., a name misspell or inaccurate classification), we will reproduce another certificate after the return of the original. We offer this service to students who completed their courses in 2007 or later. There is no fee to re-issue a certificate where The University makes an error on the original. Please check the n/a only where the University issued an original certificate with inaccurate content.
Duplicate Certificates
We only offer this service to students who completed their courses within the previous twelve months. If you successfully completed your course within the last year and did not receive a certificate, we can provide another. The fee for a duplicate certificate is £5. Please use this form to request a re-issue and return it to us via the contact details provided, with the payment details included.
Replacement Certificates
The replacement certificate is for students who successfully completed their courses more than twelve months ago. If your certificate was lost, stolen or damaged over time, we can provide a replacement. We will require the return of the damaged certificate before we can re-issue another. We offer this service to students who completed their courses in 2007 or later.
The fee for a replacement certificate due to loss, theft or damage is £30. Please use this form and return it to us via the contact details provided, with the payment details included.
Academic References
How can I get an academic reference?
Students requiring academic references should initially contact the Student Services department at the Centre where they studied. If the Centre is unable to locate details on the student, they will contact the Academic Registry for further information.
Any students who require a reference and studied at The University prior to 2000 should email [email protected] with full details of when they studied on the course and, where possible, the names of academic coaches or subject lecturers. If we are unable to locate staff available to provide a reference, we will inform you of this and provide you with options of other documentation that you might find useful.
Please be aware that all orders for documentation are processed in the order in which they are received. We currently work a two-week turn around period, which commences from receipt of a completed order form.
We undertake to contact you if we have any queries with your order, otherwise, please be patient as the staff involved do not work full time so there will not always be someone available to answer your enquiry.